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Top 4 Motivation Theories Debunked!

Top 4 Motivation Theories Debunked!

Our individual needs stem from the same places, like feeling safe or being recognized for something we’ve done. And that translates into work environments too. A study by Gallup found that only 36 percent of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs, which leaves a huge percentage of the working population lacking job satisfaction or...

Performance management – What every business needs to know

Performance management – What every business needs to know

Periodic performance review is the cornerstone of efficiency and self-growth for every team. It is also a rare opportunity for everybody to talk about the ups and downs of the year.  Here are some pointers for setting up a performance management system for the first time, revamping your current performance evaluations, or implementing performance management...

Everything you need to know about employee offboarding

Everything you need to know about employee offboarding

Besides onboarding,  there’s another process that’s equally important that companies generally don’t put as much thought and effort into—and that’s offboarding. How, exactly, do you create that kind of offboarding experience? Let’s take a dive into employee offboarding. What Is Offboarding—And Why Is It Important? Employee offboarding happens when an employee leaves your company; it’s...

How to Conduct an Interview that Yields Results

How to Conduct an Interview that Yields Results

Situational or behavioral interviews — also known as competency-based interviews — are becoming the norm. Seen to offer a better glimpse into how a person will behave than simply asking them who they are, the interview allows candidates to provide a picture of themselves that speaks straight to the issue at hand, i.e. their ability to perform in ways...

Leadership challenges in a startup

Leadership challenges in a startup

It takes courage to follow your passion, chase your dream and create your own business but it takes even more to keep that business running successfully and effectively. Many times, as the company grows and changes, the leaders have to follow up with the pace as well. It is a constant journey of learning and...

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