
Every hiring manager needs their own pool to manage talent data. That’s why we created Upload CVs, an advanced feature to store and manage CVs.

With this feature, recruiters now can build and nurture a talent pool for future vacancies, hire candidates quicker and save money on advertising costs, agency fees, and more.

Read further to learn more about JobRecruit’s Upload CVs, how it works, and how it can help recruiters in optimizing their hiring process.

Introducing Upload CVs

Upload CVs is a new feature of JobHopin’s JobRecruit solution, which allows users to upload multiple CVs to CV Pool at the same time. Besides CVs suggested by JobHopin’s AI, recruiters can use CV Pool to manage their own talent profiles. This feature is available for all subscribers of JobHopin’s recruitment packages. More importantly, the CV Pool is kept separated from JobHopin’s CV Pool, which means AI won’t use the uploaded CVs for candidate suggestions.


Using this feature, recruiters can:

  • Upload, store, and manage all CVs easily in one private place for internal use only. JobHopin does not merge data in customers’ pools to our data pool.
  • Add CVs to live jobs without hiding the contact details (like Talent Search)
  • Centralize candidates’ data, easily review their skills, experience, and qualifications – from that manage and use it more properly
  • Use data in talent pool to nurture candidates and attract passive talent

Notably, our Upload CVs feature can also help users to detect similar CVs when uploading them to CV Pool. Once a duplication is found, whether within the JobHopin CV pool or users’ CV pool, the system will let you review the 2 CVs and decide if you want to continue uploading the CV or not. 

Seems a great tool for every type of recruiter account. Why not give it a try now?

How to use Upload CVs effectively

To use this feature, you just need to go through some simple steps:

1. On the recruiter login page, Click Search on the top toolbar, then click CV Pool

2. On the CV Pool screen, click the “Upload CVs” button on the top right corner


3. You can select up to 50 files (.pdf, .doc, .docx) to upload and each one should be smaller than 5MB.


4. After clicking “Upload”, you will see the uploading process.  


5. You can see all uploaded CVs with key information on the CV Pool tab. Just click on an uploaded CV to take further action.


6. Click “View Details” to see the full content of the CV. Unlike CVs on the Talent Search, the contact information will be visible here.


7. Click “Add to Jobs” to match a CV to your live jobs.


A popup will then appear, and you can select the live job(s) you want to match this CV to.


We believe that having an own CV Pool is the beginning of efficient talent management. That’s why we’ve released the Upload CVs feature, allowing recruiters to audit, analyze, and nurture relationships with talents.

If you’re already a recruiter on JobHopin, you can learn about this Upload CVs feature and others here at JobHopin’s FAQ page. You can also keep up to date with all of JobHopin’s product updates and releases by following our blog, Facebook fanpage, or LinkedIn account.