Do You Have Traits of A Good Leader?

The life-long question that one was asked at all different stages of their lives — when you begin school, when you enter the workforce, when you try to get promoted, when you are already a boss. Many carried the age-old belief that you only need to have traits of a good leader when you are in a management position only. However, being a good leader is action that needs to be taken anywhere and anytime, from classrooms to work meetings, from school projects to global campaigns, from a cubical to an office. Having traits of a good leader is important and necessary to one’s development and growth, and not just in work settings but in every other aspect of life.

So what are the traits of a good leader?


Good communication is about knowing when to talk and when to listen. Powerful leaders are able to clearly explain to their employees everything from organizational goals to specific tasks. They are able to communicate on all levels: one on one, to the department and to the entire staff, as well as via phone, email and social media. Effective leaders listen when their employees are talking, whether it be new ideas, old issues, or ongoing needs.

Communication is built on a steady flow of verbal and nonverbal exchanges of ideas and information. If people don’t understand or aren’t aware of your expectations, they will fall short, so the more specific you can be, the better. Vice versa, if you don’t adapt to your employee’s needs and prospects, they will become disappointed and leave.

Besides that, having good communication skills help you connect with people better and build more sustainable relationships. Being open and honest about what you need from someone and what you are willing to offer allows both sides the opportunity to work toward the best solution for either. Even in conflicts, good communicators know how to settle and find the balance for everyone, to agree to disagree, so that the problems are resolved.

However, good communication skills are learned, not born, so to be a good leader, you should work on being approachable and constantly reminding yourself to be observant with the surroundings in order to talk and listen at the right times.

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Though it may sound odd, humility is one of the most important traits of a good leader. Many leaders are under the impression that they need to be right and make the correct decisions all the time. While it may be the pressure from all their responsibilities and power talking, it’s usually their ego. However, they need to understand that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take control. Therefore, leaders should carry humility in every aspect of your decision making process and lead by example.

Humility doesn’t mean that you’re weak or unsure of yourself. It means that you have the self-confidence and self-awareness to recognize the value of others without feeling threatened. It means that you are willing to admit you could be wrong, that you recognize you may not have all the answers. And it means that you give credit where credit is due — which many people struggle to do.

Staying humble while being strong and decisive allows you to remain unaffected by the negativity and distractions and focused on the main goals you have set for yourself and your performance.


Being put in a position where you have to choose between what is beneficial and what is right is a daily occurrence for leaders. In business, where profit is the bloodline of a company, it really is not an easy decision to make. Many times, what is beneficial is not necessarily wrong, but it is definitely not right either. Therefore, what leaders need the most is integrity.

Integrity requires that you always tell the truth, to all people, in every situation. Truthfulness is the foundation quality of the trust that is necessary for the success of any business. Integrity breeds ethical and morally-driven mindsets. Integrity allows you to be courageous and take actions when needed without fear knowing that what you are doing is right and is not harming anyone or anything.

Managerial competence

Being good at your job is necessary to become a leader, but it is not enough. A person who is very skilled in the technical part of a position is a huge asset, but it does not mean they will make a good leader.

Managerial competence includes the strategic planning mindset, the visionary outlook, the inspirational influence, and the ability to delegate work and build cooperative teams. You don’t have to be the best person for that skill or job, but you need to know who the best for that is.

As mentioned above, being a leader is being a servant to your employees. You need the ability to motivate, mentor and direct your employees so that they can develop and grow within the environment of the organization and contribute significantly to the success of the company. It took years of experience and even failures to truly master managerial competencies. Leaders these days are still trying everyday to be better leaders for their employees and for themselves, even the ones who are already at their prime.

These are the main traits to be a good leader that every person should have, regardless of your position. It is important to note that it is okay to not have all of these traits at one as it took a lifetime of effort and trials to learn and master them. They are not only characteristics to help you further your career but also to help you grow as a person throughout every experience of your life.

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  1. Forbes

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